At the Forefront of Innovation

Milk treatment prototype based on copper ions awarded FIC 2021 funds


UACh Awards

The initiative was awarded along with six other proposals from the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), in the 2021 competition of the Innovation and Competitiveness Fund (FIC) of the Government of the Los Ríos region and its Regional Council.

In total, 510 million pesos were awarded for regional research in health, education and innovation in health technologies and quality of life applied to the forestry and livestock sector.


Project submitted by Dr. Miguel Salgado of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the UACh was selected in the call of the Fund for Innovation and Competitiveness of Los Ríos.

An amount of 119 million pesos was awarded to the project “Milk treatment prototype based on copper ions”, presented by the academic of the Institute of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Dr. Miguel Salgado, of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the Universidad Austral de Chile.

The objective of this project is the scaling up and validation in the field of a prototype of milk decontamination based on the release of copper ions.

According to Dr. Salgado, the project is a collaborative effort with the companies COLUN and Biogenesis, with which they seek to design, validate and scale up a decontamination system based on copper ions that, when used in discarded milk, will eliminate pathogens of importance in animal and human health.

The expected results consider the reduction of losses in discarded milk, the reduction of diarrhea, pneumonia and mortality in calves, in addition to reducing the risk of transmission of pathogens that are transmitted through untreated discarded milk and the transmission of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.