At the Forefront of Innovation Milk treatment prototype based on copper ions awarded FIC 2021 funds UACh Awards The initiative was awarded along with six other proposals from the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), in the 2021 competition of the Innovation and...
Biogenesis continues to innovate and implements a truck to distribute its Cow Guard® product and avoid plastics in dairies. A company that surprised the dairy market by creating an efficient breast antiseptic based on copper nanoparticles, has now implemented a...
Veterinarian from Osorno creates gel based on Chilean copper that promises to eliminate bovine mastitis 28 December 2017 A few years ago, veterinarian Jorge González was invited to a seminar in Santiago on the use of copper in the health sector. The first thing he...
Codelco-driven product will apply copper to cows to prevent disease 19 JANUARY 2015 Codelco Lab, the Codelco subsidiary in charge of accelerating innovation projects on new uses of copper, reached an agreement with the Cow Guard® brand, which has developed innovative...
Codelco Lab will promote applications Bactericidal copper reaches the dairy industry in Chile 16 JANUARY, 2015 Codelco’s subsidiary, an accelerator of innovation projects in new uses of copper, closed an agreement with the Cow Guard® brand, which has developed...